As an integral part of training, students will be taught the theory and practice the behaviors and people skill concepts such as: attitude, communication, salesmanship, success psychology, job readiness and professionalism.
Program Reference Materials: Milady
Class A Barber
The 1000 clock hour Class A Barber Program consists of two types of training, 180 hours of theory class that includes orientation and 820 hours of practical services training. Students attend theory class 5 hours each week and will normally be
given a quiz/test on the material covered. Theory is taught on a modular basis to accommodate weekly start dates should the school so choose. A description of services that students will perform on actual customers while in training is listed below under “Practical Training” in the Barber Curriculum.
Program Goals:
To provide the student with the skills, information and training through thorough and reliable theoretical and practical instruction to successfully complete the program and pass the licensure exam required by the state of Texas, and to educate the student in developing professional attitudes and habits necessary for initial employment and career advancement.

Program Format:
The clock hour education is provided through a sequential set of learning steps which address specific tasks necessary for state exam preparation, graduation and job entry-level skills. Clinic equipment, implements, and products are comparable to those used in the industry. Each student will receive instruction that relates to the performance of useful, creative and productive career oriented activities. The course is presented through well-developed lesson plans which reflect current educational methods. Subjects are presented by means of lecture, demonstration and student participation.
Program Evaluation:
Students are assigned theory study and a minimum number of practical experiences. Theory is evaluated by written exams given after each unit of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed and counted toward course completion only when rated as satisfactory or better. Practical skills are evaluated according to text procedures and performance standards established by the state licensing agency. Students must maintain an average of 70% and pass a final written and practical exam prior to graduation. Numerical grades are considered according to the following grading scale:
Milady’s Standard Professional Barbering 7th edition
Theoretical knowledge of the practice of barbering services
(A) anatomy physiology and histology consisting of the study of, 50 hours
(1) Hair
(2) Skin
(3) Muscles
(4) Nerves
(5) Cells
(6) circulatory system
(7) Digestion
(8) Bones
(B) Texas barber law and rules, 35 hours
(C) bacteriology, sterilization, and sanitation, 30 hours
(D) disorders of the skin, scalp, and hair, 10 hours
(E) Salesmanship, 5 hours
(F) barbershop management, 5 hours
(G) chemistry, 5 hours
(H) Shaving, 5 hours
(I) scalp, hair treatments and skin, 5 hours
(J) Sanitary professional techniques, 4 hours
(K) professional ethics, 4 hours
(L) Scientific fundamentals of barbering, 4 hours
(M) cosmetic preparations, 3 hours
(N) shampooing and rinsing, 2 hours
(O) cutting and processing curly and over-curly hair, 2 hours
(P) haircutting, male and female, 2 hours
(Q) theory of massage of scalp, face and neck, 2 hours
(R) hygiene and good grooming, 1 hour
(S) barber implements, 1 hour
(T) honing and stropping, 1 hour
(U) mustaches and beards, 1 hour
(V) facial treatments, 1 hour
(W) electricity and light therapy, 1 hour
(X) history of barbering, 1 hour

Instruction in practical work, consisting of the study of:
(A) dressing the hair, consisting of: 300 hours
(1) men's haircutting
(2) children's haircutting
( 3) Women's haircutting
(4) Cutting and processing curly and over-curly hair
(5) razor cutting
(B) Shaving 80 hours
(C) Styling, 55 hours
(D) shampooing and rinsing, 40 hours
(E) bleaching and dyeing of the hair, 30 hours
(F) waving hair, 28 hours
(G) Straightening, 25 hours
(H) Cleansing, 25 hours
(I) professional ethics, 22 hours
(J) barbershop management, 22 hours
(K) hair weaving and hairpieces, 17 hours
(L) Processing, 15 hours
(M) Clipping, 15 hours
(N) beards and mustaches, 15 hours
(O) Shaping, 15 hours
(P) Dressing, 15 hours
(Q) Curling, 15 hours
(R) first aid and safety precautions, 11 hours
(S) scientific fundamentals of barbering, 10 hours
(T) barber implements, 10 hours
(U) haircutting or the process of cutting, tapering, trimming, processing, and molding and scalp, hair treatments, and tonics, 10 hours
(V) Massage and facial treatments, 10 hours
(W) Arranging, 10 hours
(X) Beautifying 10 hours
(Y) Singeing, 7 hours
(Z) Manicuring 8 hours
Total Hours for Class A Barber Course 1000 Hours